Wednesday, November 6, 2013

We apologize for not blogging for awhile. We have been busy, away from good internet, and not much interesting has been happening. This will likely be our last blog from South Sudan because we are returning home in a few days. Last Thursday we moved from Afex (tent living) to Pan Dor, which is the housing for the Catholics here. W share a nice room that has screens in the windows and running water. Marion is the person on staff responsible for the housing and food. She has been so very good to us, including finding us a floor fan. There is power only from 7-11 pm but we do fine - get all our electronics charged. The teachers we hired are doing a great job. We try to stop by every day or two. The energy is very positive. On Friday we are inviting the families of the students to come so we can meet them and share with them more about the school. We are looking forward to meeting them. Some of them have parents, others are parents! We also selected a contractor to build the facilities - 2 classrooms, an office, and latrines. We continue to visit with NOGs and government people. There is a great network here of people working together and we want to be part of that. I preached on Sunday at the English-speaking Episcopal service. I had to speak very loud and slowly but I think the about 130 people in attendance could hear me and understand me. They seemed to respond (laugh, complete sentences) at the right time. So we have 3 more nights in Rumbek, then a night in Juba, one night on the plane and we will be home! I am sad to leave here but happy to be going home. Thank you to all of you for your prayers and support in this. If you want us to speak at your church or group, just let us know. If you want to give financial support, Thanksgiving and Christmas are great times to do that. We will need $100,000 for just the facility. Then we have teacher salaries, etc. So consider if you want to support Abukloi. Again, thanks!