Sunday, May 1, 2016

Happy 2nd Anniversary, Abukloi School!


Address by Abukloi Foundation Director, Justin Marial Mathok, at the 2nd Anniversary Celebration of Abukloi Secondary School

In Attendence:

Hon. Minister of Education, Science and Technology
Western Lakes State - in Absentia
Director General in the State Ministry of Education
Hon. Members of Western Lakes Legislative Assembly
Representative from SPLM State Secretariat
Hon. Commissioner of Rumbek Central County
The Representative from Community Development Council (CDC)
Head Masters from Secondary Schools in Western Lakes State
Parents and guardians of our students
Abukloi Acting head master and his teaching staffs
Students of Abukloi Secondary School

Ladies and gentlemen!

Allow me at this concert to convey my gratitude greeting and warm welcoming to Abukloi 2nd Anniversary celebration which coincided with welcoming of senior one students and teachers who successfully joint Abukloi secondary School academic year 2016.

 Abukloi Secondary School is three years old with a total of 270 students in which 65 are girls and 205 among others are boys. The school has been operating in the last two years free of charge in which students were only asked to pay for uniforms and identification cards but due to lack of enough funds from our donors, we came up with the idea of raising funds from our students i.e. 450 SSP per a year for old students and 500 SSP per a year for new students as school development fees. The school is being supported by Abukloi Foundation Board of directors in US State of Virginia. We have ten (10) teachers teaching both Arts and Science subjects respectively.

 On behalf of the board of directors and on my own behalf I would like to share some of our facing challenges and few are mentioned below:
1. The internal conflicts in the State has hindered some progress in Abukloi  project set up. Some          students dropped out as a result of insecurity.
2. Lack of enough learning materials such as science laboratory equipment, Well summarized South Sudan syllabuses among others.
3. Lack of enough space in School for exercising demonstration farming by our students to sanitize modern method  of farming to the entire community.

 In order to excel in solving these problems, I would rather appeal to State government to provide proper security to our students and community at large. I am also urging Education Ministry and partners to support  and include this school in the list of beneficiaries of Education.

 In the last two years we have experience some achievements and these are as follow:
1. Unity among our students and  as such there has never been fighting cases in this school which is a major transformation of our students into peaceful coexistence.
2. Improvements of English speaking in Abukloi Secondary which is solely monitored through debates and drama.
3. Sense of democracy, last Monday our students leaders were sworn in after a week of campaign and beautiful voting process which was free and fair.
4. Improvements of both Science and Art subjects as a result of having qualified teachers in which our students are determined to excel in next year South Sudan
National Examination.
5. Sewing machine, to teach our students how to make their own dresses.

 On the other hand Abukloi Secondary School  introduced scientific method of farming which is compulsory  to every student to know the different between traditional method of farming  and modern farming system.    

 Other plans are:
 Abukloi will set up a comprehensive computer laboratory, Vocational training College, Internet cafe and solar power system as an income generating activity to support school operations in the nearest future.

 My dear friends

 Today at this great occasion, I would like conclude my speech by highlighting  Education and its values in our lives. Education means a lot to us, without Education we are nothing, we get motivated towards the education  from our childhood by our parents and from teachers when we start going to school.  It is the best tool to remove poverty and inequality from our society. It is a powerful tool capable to solve all the social, personal, and family problems we are facing in this state and country at large.

 As we gathered here to celebrate this occasion,  I extremely like to bring your attention to why this school is initiated.
 Education is most important to all of us to live a happy life, But earlier before, the children of rich people get access to education however the poor people were not able to afford school fees of the same schools making high risk of drop out.

 This school has been made adequate provisions for the poor in order to remove inequality and ensure the empowerment and participation of all people at all levels equally.

 Lastly I would like to acknowledge the cooperation between Abukloi Foundation and Community development Council of Rumbek central county, for they have made us overcome some challenges by offering a shelter for School and coordination respectively.

 I also give maximums thanks to the board of directors in US for their support to this community through Abukloi SS.

 May God almighty bless all of you in this occasion.

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