Monday, January 29, 2018

I am now in Amarat Hotel in Juba, capital of South Sudan. The first flight took a little more than 12 hours - we made good time. The second flight was less than 2 hours. Justin Mathok, our Director, met me at the airport and took me to this hotel. We talked while they finished cleaning the room and then he left so I could get a long nap. The room is 3rd world but very nice by South Sudanese standards and I am safe and quite content. One of the things I have learned is to make plans for these trips but then just relax and go with the flow. I thought I would fly out to Rumbek in the morning (Tuesday) but instead we are going to stay in Juba until Saturday. We have things to do here and the flights between Juba and Rumbek are only on Tuesdays and Saturdays. We want to apply for an international grant through Rotary but in order to do that there has to be a Rotary Club in Rumbek. There is one in Juba and the leaders have agreed to help us start one in Rumbek. Justin has secured more than 25 interested people in Rumbek. So tomorrow afternoon we will meet with the Rotary leaders here in Juba and write up a concept paper. I think we are going to also meet with some folks in the National Education Department on Wednesday. Justin and I will work on what we can from "the list". Shortly, Justin and Angelo will come and we will have dinner, probably here at the hotel. Life after dark is better inside here in Juba. Grateful for a safe trip and negotiated price at Amarat ($40 instead of the standard $100 - thanks Justin!).

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