Thursday, February 1, 2018

Two More Days in Juba

Wednesday was really slow for me. I never left the hotel. But considering that it is pushing 100 degrees I should not complain. The past president of the Juba Rotary met with us. He plans to travel to Rumbek in mid-February to provide an orientation for at least 25 business people from Rumbek interested in the Rotary. None have even heard of it so it is a challenge to even get them to come. We were told that people sometimes think the word is "lottery" not Rotary! But our Director Justin has good relationships with people in Rumbek so he will likely get the 25. Today, Thursday, was a rough day for me. Woke up sick but went to meet with the Member of Parliament, Honorable Zechariah. This was my first time in the Parliament Building. Zechariah is the representative from Rumbek. I have had conversations with him on several occasions. Because our school property is owned by the Community Development Committee, it is critical for us to have good relationships with the people on that committee. Zechariah is one of them - very influential. He also is on the Ministry of Education. It was a brief but good conversation and I think we got some things clarified. I'm afraid I was too out of it to contribute much. When I got back to the room around noon, I just slept for 4 hours. Then got up and had some chicken/vegetable soup and bread. Still feeling a bit puny but should be better tomorrow.

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