Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The weather really cooled off yesterday around noon with the light rain that came and it has continued cooler with some breeze - no complaints. This was the perfect way to greet Ellen Cummings. She arrived today from Juba. Ellen is part of Abukloi and is in South Sudan for 2 months doing a variety of things to help the people. She will be with us for one week so will be here for the first day of school. We continue to visit officials and schools, learning more every time. More lesson plans to write tonight - fun!!! News on the street is that President Silva Kiir will be in Rumbek tomorrow. It should be really wild around here as this is really a big deal. Roads have been improved, tree trunks painted, trash picked up, shops swept. It will be fun to be part of this. Thanks for all your prayers and supports. We are hoping to get some pictures either on this blog or the Abukloi website.

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