Saturday, November 7, 2015

Rumbek without Fuel

We have arrived in Rumbek and much to share but we are without internet. We are now using Zain Modem for the few minutes every week it seems to be up. Fuel in this entire area is gone so generators are not running. The place we are staying has some solar energy so we are surviving. Truly, we are not complaining. All is well. Bev is working with the students on the issues of peace and reconciliation. She is very impressed with their knowledge and ability to articulate it. Mary is working with the students in getting stories, filming, picture taking. She will share some probably when we get home. Marg is working with the sewing. All 170 students sewed on buttons on Friday! The sewing machine has arrived. We just have to put it together. We will probably work with a much smaller group once we get to that point - hard to have that many students on one machine. Give our best to all.

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