Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Arrived in South Sudan

Bev, Mary, and Marg arrived safely in Juba, South Sudan on Monday morning. Time in the air is about 15 hours. We were referred to a local hotel near the airport called Shamrock. By South Sudan standards, it is very nice, even hot water. We had pizza last night! Because we could not get a flight until Wednesday, we are going to use today to check on the price of fabric, availability of chemicals for the science lab, and connect with some other non-profits. Ellen Cummings, another member of our Abukloi Board, is arriving in Juba today and flying back to the US tomorrow so we will have an opportunity to meet with her this evening (like 2 ships passing in the night). (from Marg) - The part of the trip that causes me the most anxiety is arriving in the airport at Juba - normally total chaos, in my estimation. Because the terminal is basically one room, there is no clear signs of what to do, what lines lead to what end, etc. But yesterday, Justin, our Director in Rumbek, had arranged for a man named Angelo to meet us. He did meet us, escorted us to the VIP section of the airport and got us through with great ease. I believe this is a new section of the airport, at least it appeared new and I had never seen it before. We try hard not to experience "special treatment" but I was very grateful to have that part of the trip go so smoothly. On our way to the hotel, he was able to get some of our money exchanged and get a SIM card and minutes for a phone. Knowing who to trust is key and I am grateful for the connection that got us safely to the hotel, money exchanged, and phone working.

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