Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Second Day in Juba

We slept in a bit this morning, still trying to catch up with sleep lost flying and jet lag. Breakfast was very good - omelettes to order. We talked with some other non-profit folks staying here, had lunch from the left over pizza last night, made a list of things we want to do while in Rumbek, went to the market to pick up electrical adapters and to try to get our shared phone to work (no luck, system is down). The driver even took us by the Nile River. Mary had not seen it before. Tonight we had dinner with Ellen Cummings, another member of the Abukloi Board who has been here for nearly 2 months, and Tom Pritchard, Director of Sudan Sunrise. Two other volunteers came later and we talked until they closed down the restaurant. Tomorrow our plan is to fly to Rumbek and begin our work. Exciting!

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