Thursday, October 10, 2013

Comboni Day

Today is Comboni Day in Rumbek. He is the Catholic Saint who came to Sudan many years ago to build schools. The school in Rumbek is named for him. It is a community-wide event, even the government was closed. They call the day 10-10 Day because it always falls on Oct. 10. We had "early release". Considering how far the students have to walk it was surprising that even 30 came today for such a short time. Many of them spent more time walking to school than in school. We reviewed some for their tests tomorrow. Several who have been absent stayed to make up some work. Bev did not go to school today because she still is not feeling well. So I had the group by myself and was grateful for a short day. We have no back up plan (substitutes) especially now that Philip is on vacation. Playing it by ear, for sure! Please pray for her and wish her a happy birthday today! Our driver checked with the local police about the possibility of Bev and I getting a driving permit. In South Sudan no one over 58 is allowed to drive. (Ok, I can hear your mental responses to that!) We will ask for an exception for these 2 months we will be here. We will let you know how it goes. Well, have a great 10-10, Comboni Day! Marg

1 comment:

  1. Happy late birthday to Bev! And happy late Comboni Day to all! It's been raining here - kind of drizzly and cool, for the last week - really different than what you're experiencing there,huh? I wish I could send a little of the cool your way... That's funny about the driving age - I wonder what made them choose 58? We will continue to pray for your health, your safety, and now, for your mobility. Sending you lots of love -
