Sunday, October 20, 2013

update and hunger

A new governor was appointed by the President so things are in transition including paychecks. The few that are working support whole extended families. This means that hunger is worse. One of the older women who stays in and around our compound asked us for help on Friday. She does not speak English so our driver translated for us. She is already nothing but skin and bones. It broke our heart. We could not find her yesterday but today on the way to church we saw her again so stopped and gave her 50 pounds (about $12.50). Hunger is just so prevelant here and people do not know from one day to the next if they will have food. It is true of the majority. Update. Bev and I believe this next week will be our last week of actually teaching everyday. We want to start the new teachers. They are really much better at teaching here than we are and we want to give our students every advantage. This will also allow the teachers time to organize the school, deciding on admission criteria, etc. And it will allow Bev and me time to make some contacts here in Rumbek with NGOs who may be able to help us, contractors, governement officials, and more. We have been talking to other volunteers and missionaries who have been working here for years. What we have been able to get done in just 6 weeks is a miracle. Some have been here for years and have been able to get very little done. Part of that is because we have not had to work much with government and also because our non-profit is so new and so small we have no beaurocracy. But mostly because God has made a way. There is still much to do but we are grateful for what God has already done.

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