Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Evolution of a School

We have taught for 3 weeks and already are in over our heads in terms of solar system, plant and animal cells, and more. Once division is conquered we will be stretching it in math. So it must be time to turn it over to the real teachers. Tomorrow we will meet with the "finalists" to schedule them to start teaching next week. We have found some of the best teachers in Rumbek. They know their subjects and have much experience teaching in this country. This will free Bev and me up to make some important contacts with other NGOs (non-profits) and government here. We have been told this could be valuable to us. Also, we have been here long enough that we have a reputation - a good one. Our students have told their friends about their school and new students come nearly everyday to register. (But we have closed registration so we can better teach the ones we started with.) And teachers keep coming with resumes because they have heard about our small classes, text books and quality plan. We are feeling very good about what God is doing through this project. Another "evolution" is taking place. The students are organizing, initiating some very positive endeavors. It started with volleyball (netball) tournaments. Then came the election of head boy/girl, secretary, committees, etc. Today they organized for debates, every Friday. They selected a topic and set up a process for two teams of 7 (for and against). This should be fascinating for us to experience! As part of their "reading-writing period" we divided them into groups of 3-5 and selected 7 health issues in South Sudan. Each group took a topic and they are in the process of reporting to the total class. Our plan was for 5 minute presentations but by the time they are done with all the questions and discussion it is more like 40 minutes so this "lesson plan" may take a little longer than planned! We give God thanks for you and your support through reading our blogs. Thanks for staying in touch.

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful news - I'm so excited for you and your students - That reputation thing is priceless! God is good! I hope you are all healthy and doing well, also.
