Saturday, November 19, 2016

Last Day in Rumbek – Thursday

Tomorrow Stephanie and I fly to Juba so today is my last full day in Rumbek.  I went to the school and talked to the students and said my good-byes.  They are so appreciative and bestowed many blessings on me and the people who help support their school.  I also met with the teachers and we worked out a few more understandings.  There is such a huge learning curve – so much more to learn.  Just when I think I understand something here, I find out there is much more to know and understand.

I had hoped to do some internet, buy some panties for the female students, and watch a football game this afternoon but plans changed.  Justin is the captain of the state team and they had a big game today.  He was needed elsewhere. And then played the game starting at 4:00.  I ended up staying at Pan Door, packing and reading.  Around 5:00 Rev. Elijah, who is the chairman of the Community Development Committee, came to meet with me.  It is the CDC who is allowing us to use the school facilities for free and the group to whom we will eventually turn over responsibility of the school.  So our connection with them is critical.  We had a wonderful conversation, a really amazing man and leader.  He will work with our Director and current Head Teacher to select the next Head Teacher.  He will also work to get national funds to provide a water system and then housing for the teachers.  That isn’t likely until 2020 or later.

Stephanie returned this afternoon from her overnight stay with Helen, a family member of Angelo.  It was a good experience.  She then was beckoned to return to see the rest of the family to say her good-byes.  They have really embraced her as one of their own.  And she has opened herself to being accepted and included in this lovely but quite different family culture.

Some little gifts came to me this afternoon.  For some reason the generator was on much of the afternoon.  This meant I could stay in my room and be relatively cool due to the fan.  Mary, the woman who manages Pan Door, made both fresh vegetable salad and fresh fruit salad for dinner.  I had commented positively each time she served one of those dishes.  Knowing this was my last meal here, she made both!  This is a place full of hospitality and I will miss that.

BTW, Justin’s team won 2-0 and they received a certificate.  Go Zalan!


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