Saturday, September 13, 2014

Saturday, September 13

(This text was transcribed from Ellen's phone message. The recorded sound was somewhat distorted so parts of this message were difficult to understand. I apologize for any errors. CG)
I had breakfast at the James Hotel, again. It’s just too difficult to get to CCC early in the morning, then back to the Guest House to collect luggage, and on to the airport.
I’d been told to check in for my flight to Rumbek at 9:00 am, but Edison and I left at 8:30. There was a queue outside the terminals designated for Rumbek, so I got in line. 35 minutes later, I began to inquire about check-in status. 9:45 am, I was still standing in line. I stopped one very tall young man, who decided to take me under his wing. It was understood that he would expect some monetary reward in return, which, at this point, I was happy to provide.
Leaving the queue, I followed the tall man into the terminal and stood where he indicated. 10:00 am, he took my passport and ticket and checked me in. I followed him to baggage check, and we watched as my bag was weighed, x-rayed, placed on the conveyor and rolled out the window. Ten South Sudanese pounds later, I was checked-in, and he was on his way.  Money well spent!
Noon lift-off on Push(?) Air – not exactly the Cadillac of air travel but safe and reliable.
After landing at the Rumbek Airport, I ran into Marco Marjon of Rumbek University, who arranged with a colleague to take me to Plangor -  and in an air-conditioned car, no less – where I am settled into a nice, (indiscernible description) room with bath.
This is an official visit for Abukloi, my NGO. I have met with the in-country director, and we planned(?) the itinerary for the next ten days - contacts, meetings and travel. There’s a lot to be done.
I’m looking forward to church tomorrow at the ECS (Episcopal Church of Sudan) and then on to the market.
Hope all is well.
Mama Ellen

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